Medhue Elephants Brand

The Medhue Elephants Brand is a Second Life Brand which signifies that something works with this Brand or product. If you are a creator making things for the Medhue Elephant, you can use this brand logo to signify that your product works well with the Medhue Elephant, or is purposely made for the elephant. You can also contact me and I will add your product to the list of products for this elephant below.

List of Second Life products that could be branded for this elephant:

Textures (see psd links below)

Body Shapes


Hopefully more coming....


If you want to retexture the elephant, here are the psd files.



Purchase the Medhue Elephant for the virtual world of Second Life.


Here is a product that allows a human to ride the Medhue Elephant, and it is called the Medhue Elephant Rider.