Medhue Bento Elephant for Second Life
Here's a look at my new Bento Elephant for the virtual world of Second Life. This elephant uses the new Bento skeleton, and because of the uniqueness of the trunk, I needed to create a control rig to be able to animate it correctly.
The control rig only controls the trunk, mouth, and ears. This is why I've made those bones different colors.
The elephant is also very customizable using the Second Life body shape sliders. Not all the sliders work, but the range of customization is pretty vast. The images below show the range of customization possible.
The elephant comes with a HUD, with special animations. 1 set of those animations controls how long the tusks are. It also includes a number of facial expressions, and full body animations. In the video below, I go through all the different animations in the elephant and in the HUD.
Have fun with the elephant and I'll see you in Second Life!
Purchase the elephant here: